Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The grave

My daughter won't stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn't help!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Mother's eyes

All her pictures were gone - he had even cut her face out of the wedding photos. the smell of her perfume. All of her clothes. That silly tune she always used to hum - all of it was gone. His life was no longer whole; and the vacancy of his wife leaving created a vacuum begging to be filled. 
But it wasn't all bad. The stupid photos of his in-laws were replaced by pictures his dad had given him when he was young. He started using that old cologne she always hated, and hardly missed her perfume. And that silly children's song she always sang? He replaced that with the unintelligible, inhuman screaming of his now blind 5 year old as she bled onto the carpet. 
"Sorry honey," he said. "You always had your mother's eyes." 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The last school bus

"Hm, the bus is a little early, isn't it, Evan?" "Yeah, I don't know if that's the right one, either."
The bus pulled over and opened its doors. Kids tentatively started walking to the bus before deciding, yup, that's the right one. Must be a new driver. I watched as my 12 year old son got onto the bus this morning. I can't believe 12 years went by so fast. Where was my little boy i cuddle with? Read stories with? Oh, to go back in time and do it all again. I love that boy. 
I watched the kids board the bus one by one. They're all such good kids. Not one of them a trouble maker or bully. The bus stayed parked without the flashing lights. Cars went around the bus honking the horn. I walked to the bus to find out what the driver was doing. I jumped as the lights started flashing and the bus backfired. The backfiring continued, mixed with screams. 
What the hell? Blood spattered on the windows. I saw my son's terrified eyes pleading me to save him. I watched as his head came off with a blast of whatever it was the bus driver was holding. Never in a million years did I expect today to be my son's last day of school.  

Waving in the dark

She sat on my wife's lap, our little girl. Hannah wasn't quite a year old but she was sweet, social, a happy little thing. My wife would sit on the couch and play with her for hours at a time. 
For months, she would pick up her hand and shake it at me. One day, out of the blue, Hannah did it by herself. My wife had finally taught her to wave. 
Not long after, my job required me to go away on a business trip in Singapore. This wasn't unusual and my wife and daughter looked forward to the nightly Skype chats we would have. I think it made her less lonely, my wife. 
The night before i was due home, I video-called my wife to finalize the plans for her to pick me up at the airport. She was beautiful, her tired but happy face filling my screen. Little Hannah was in the background playing happily. My wife was telling me a funny story, something about the neighbours. 
Hannah stood up in her playpen and began to wave in the hallway. "Honey, is someone there with you?" I asked. She never got a chance to answer me. I never saw either of them again. 

The wedding night

It was their first night together. "Hi, love, since we're now married, can I tell you a secret?"
"Sure, should I be worried?" 
"No. It's nothing. It's just something that's bothering me for a long time. Remember when we were kids and we always played hide-and-seek by ourselves?" 
"Yes, what about it?"
"One time, while I was looking for a hiding place, I was a Devil. I wanted to run and scream but I couldn't. It saw me, walked slowly towards me, and whispered, "I'm not going to hurt you, just don't tell anyone you saw me." 
The girl was crying and smiling relieved to have told someone something that burdened her for a long time. 
The man smiled and replied, "Love, didn't I tell you not to tell anyone you saw me?" 

The starved

"Either die or help starving people." 
This is what they told me, when I was facing the death row, as a fork is being inserted in my thighs, I have now understood what they meant. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

She hates being seen

Don't be scared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up.
She hates being seen.